Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm tired of being alone...

I'm tired of being single. I'm tired of not having that special person to turn to when I need someone. Yeah I have friends and family and they have been there for me so much in the past year. I really couldn't ask for better friends and family. However, I just want that one person who will just listen to me. I just want one person that would be mine and I'll be theirs. I'm not desperate but it would be really nice to have someone to be with during the weekends. All my friends are in committed relationships and spend their weekend nights with their partner. A lot of them are about to get married or move in together. I'm happy for them but I would like the same. Who should I write a love song for? Sometimes I feel like I missed the train and still that haunts me..


  1. best of luck mate, let 2010 b the year for u and me..

  2. Yeah AB...We need to move out of the B-Club ..
